Monday, December 30, 2019

Make Sure You See The New Year, Don't Drink & Drive!

It's Almost 2020!
Christmas has come and gone; now it is time to start preparing for the New Year. Let's celebrate our successes from 2019 and how fortunate we are to be seeing the new Year! Whether you plan on going out or hosting a party at home, please be safe while doing so. Here are three tips to remember while you ring in 2020.

Eat or Serve Food 
Staying up till midnight can be hard, serve or eat plenty of food to keep everyone going. Have non-alcoholic beverages too. Doing this will hopefully ensure that no one gets too out of sorts and that you all have a great night. 

Charge your Phone
Ensure that your cell phone is fully charged before you go anywhere. Emergencies can happen at any time, especially on a night when most of the population is exceptionally active, being prepared to respond is critical. Even make sure it has full charge in case you need to call for a ride.

Designated Drivers are a Must
If you head out for the evening to a party, decide ahead of time who will be the designated driver for the night. As well, if you are staying in, make sure your house guests all have designated drivers or have the ability to stay over if they overindulge. Remember that when serving alcohol, you can be held liable for accidents caused by a guest that was overserved in your home or establishment. If you find yourself in a jam, always remember you can call a cab, get an Uber or a Lyft. 

Every Year we see or hear about accidents on New Year's Eve, sadly most have to do with an intoxicated driver and many are fatal. Take a moment right now, to decide you and your friends won't become a statistic this year. We all want to have fun, but we also want to continue living and loving like we usually do. So don't slack when it comes to your and everyone else's safety this New Year's Eve! DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE!

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