Monday, April 6, 2020

The Fourth Palouse National Distracted Driving Awareness Month Celebration Kick-off !!

We hope you're all staying safe and following the necessary precautions and guidelines to help flatten the curve for our region during the outbreak!

Although we're all stuck at home, some of us still have to drive for essential work, necessary services and more. Driving for 5 seconds at 55 mph is the same as the driving length of a football field. Now imagine you were answering a text, which on average takes 5 seconds to send or read, and you were driving. That’s a full football field length with your eyes not on the road! This is only one of the distractions that drivers face every time they get behind the wheel.

Distracted driving is the act of operating a motor vehicle while engaging in an activity that has the potential to distract or divert the driver from the task of driving. This can be a visual, manual, or cognitive distraction. These include
·         Texting
·         Talking to your passenger(s)
·         Talking on your phone
·         Eating or drinking
·         Fiddling with the stereo
·         Changing your GPS
·         Anything that takes your attention away from driving
The consequences of distracted driving are severe with 2,871 people killed in 2018 by distracted driving and 400,000 injured that same year.

           With April being Distracted Driver Safety Awareness the month we're here to bring our classic events on a new online platform!

Missing our wrecked car display? Watch our social media post with full stories of those impacted by distracted driving.

Additionally, look forward to a new addition of YouTube videos we will be posting this month! Featuring educational and fun videos to teach you about driving safety!!

But wait, there's more.....

We will also be holding a virtual contest during the month of April! Stay in touch with our social media platforms to find further details (blogs, websites, and social media platforms!)

The Contest would offer a chance to win three different gift cards while staying at home and helping and caring for those who still have to drive! 

The three categories would be Slogans, Posters and everyone's favorite- videos!!

Stay tuned for further details! And, we would like to thank you to those who are working tirelessly to keep us safe during this pandemic!!

From the Palouse RTPO, and the Driver Safety Campaign, Please be safe and stay healthy!!

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