Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Harvest Time on the Palouse

As harvest comes to a close and the Palouse scenery takes another majestic turn we can admire the beauty of the region we’ve come to call home. With this changing time also comes some important safety precautions that can help us all share the rural roads we sometimes find ourselves on. Transporting farm equipment by public roadway is a necessity for farmers on the Palouse. This can be a dangerous situation for motorists who are unfamiliar with with slow moving agricultural machinery. Recognize that you are in an agricultural environment where you might encounter these vehicles on the roadway. The potential for accident is high. If you approach a piece of farm equipment slow down and be patient. The farmer understands you trip may be delayed and will pull over at the first available safe place to allow you to pass.

Passing some of these machines is tempting as their size limits their speed, but being aware that the right condition is paramount to your safety and others on the road. If a farmer pulls off the road to let you pass, pass with caution. Do not assume that if a farmer pulls to the side of the road it is to let you pass. Large equipment must make wide left hand turns. Watch for signals from the farmer to see if it is safe to pass.Be aware of vehicles behind you that may be trying to pass as well. Do not pass in a "no passing lane" or within 100 feet of an intersection. Do not pass if you must enter on coming traffic, unless clearly ahead of the vehicle you are going to pass. 

Not only is agricultural equipment slow moving but it can overlap into other lanes, creating a hazardous situation. Makes sure to keep a lookout for machinery as many farmers are moving their equipment from one field to the next. This means slowing down on curves or one of the many hills. Corners, hills, and other blind spots can reduce your visibility of equipment on the roadway. Allowing space is never bad on the road especially when trailing behind heavy machinery so be sure to give them appropriate distance. If you are in oncoming traffic, pull over to the side of the road until the machinery has passed. It’s important to be conscious that if you can’t see the driver they probably can’t see you. Never assume that the farmer can see you if you are following from behind. Often they are looking ahead to keep equipment on the roadway and watching for on coming traffic.

Most often farm equipment is on the roadway for only a short time. Caution, courtesy, patience and attention to safety will ensure the safety of our roadways during the harvest season. Use these tips to help make all of our rural roads can be safe this year. Remember, farmers have the same rights to share the road as you do, so be safe and share the road!

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