Friday, May 11, 2018

May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month

Safety is a constant theme of our Palouse Driver Education Campaign, but sometimes appropriate to bring the broad topic to a focus. The weather is getting better, and with May deemed National Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month by the National Safety Council, a conversation for two wheeled vehicles should be had. Here are some statistics and other talking points:

2016 Statistics

  • Of all registered vehicles on US roads, motorcycles make up 3%.
  • Motorcycle miles account for only .7% of all vehicle miles traveled in the US.
  • 4,976 motorcycle riders and passengers died in crashes.
  • Non-fatal injuries caused by crashes was upwards of 88,000.
  • Of all traffic fatalities, motorcyclists accounted for 13%.
  • 91% of motorcycle crash fatalities were male
  • 26% of motorcycle crash fatalities were impaired by alcohol.
  • Nearly half of all collisions occur at intersections.

Talking Safety to Riders

  • Wear helmets marked by DOT, as they are guaranteed to meet safety standards set by law.
  • Always use headlights.
  • Wear appropriate clothing that is thick to prevent injury, and reflective to be easily seen.
  • Don't speed so you can see and react to road hazards such as potholes, puddles, and gravel.
  • Drive defensively and assume you can't be seen on the road.
  • Be aware that riding with a passenger or any other added weight changes bike handling.

Talking Safety to Drivers

  • Give adequate warning of lane switches with your blinker.
  • Anticipate motorcycles' movements.
  • Pay attention the vehicles in your surrounding area and be aware if you realize one seems to be missing.
  • Double check blind spots.
  • Don't drive distracted or drowsy and pay attention to your surroundings.
  • Always use headlights.
  • Be aware that with better weather comes more motorcycles, bicycles, and pedestrians.

Statistics taken from NSC Injury Facts


  1. It increase our consciousness to keep us safety.your suggestion is enough for that to avoid unexpected incident.


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