Monday, April 23, 2018

Distracted Driver Awareness Week comes to a close.

Hey everyone, Mae here. 
Distracted Driver Awareness Week was a good run but there were also a few things that we learned and will improve on next time. We visited Clarkston high school, Pullman high school, University of Idaho, and Washington State University. The table that was held at University of Idaho was pretty nice, being outside in sunny weather was a welcome change to all our rain, snow, and wind. Even with finals and Mom's Weekend prep happening, students managed to find time to visit our table and talk to us about safer driving habits.

On Saturday, we held our table at Washington State University during their SpringFest event. However, not before making an appearance at the WSU PD Car Show. There were some real lookers there. We got to speak with the officers, talk to local community gear heads, and meet with two university auto clubs. The Automotive Enthusiast Club, and Formula SAE club. SpringFest was very alive with students. We had a few groups take our Poster Contest fliers and some brochures before the table was wrapped up. All in all, we had around 25 pledge sign ups and 18 contest entries by Saturday.

Outside of Palouse Driver Education Campaign events, there was a BBQ on Sunday as part of the Automotive Enthusiast Clubs last meet of the school semester. I attended as both a car club member and a presence of the campaign. We thank and appreciate all the local businesses, school clubs, and community members who have become involved with us as advocates for safer driving habits.

Remember, our poster contest doesn't end until Noon on Friday the 27th. Be sure to check out our facebook to enter for the chance to win a $25 visa gift card. Also, be sure to like and share our page.

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