- WEAR YOUR SEAT BELT- It is common knowledge that seat belts save lives. Wearing one should be a no brainer and required for many states by law. Your teen driver should never ride without one.
- NO ELECTRONIC DISTRACTIONS- Make it clear that no cell phones are to be used while they are behind the wheel. Tell your teen to situate the music and their cell phones before they even put the car in gear. Phones can be turned to silent or do not disturb mode to ensure they aren't a temptation to a teenage driver.
- OBEY SPEED LIMITS- Speed limits are made and enforced for the safety of all those using the roadways. Following the posted limits will reduce their chances of causing an accident.
- NEVER DRINK & DRIVE- Although teenagers aren't legally allowed to drink, that doesn't mean they don't. Make a plan with your child for situations they could encounter with drinking and educate them on making responsible choices. Above all, make sure they know they can call you for help.
- DON'T DRIVE DROWSY- Sleepy driving is extremely hazardous and should be avoided at all costs. Make sure inexperienced drivers know to get proper rest and pull over if they need to when driving long distances.
- LIMIT THE NUMBER OF PASSENGERS- More people equals more distractions. Please, limit the number of passengers a young driver is allowed to have in the vehicle without direct supervision of an adult.
- CHECK YOUR BLIND SPOTS EVERY TIME- Make sure your teenager knows to check blind spots before making any changes in direction or pulling away from an area.
- AVOID BEING IN OTHER PEOPLE'S BLIND SPOTS- We all have spots we can't see perfectly around us as we drive, one way to avoid accidents is to make sure they know about and aren't in another person's blind spot.
- USE HEADLIGHTS- This is a "no-duh" statement for driving at night, but using them in the day time could be the difference of whether or not another driver saw your teen driver.
- ALWAYS USE YOUR BLINKERS- ALWAYS use blinkers; doing so will allow others to know where they plan to go and adjust accordingly.
Driver safety is crucial for everyone's well-being, and these tips are great for all to follow. The best way to get your teen to drive safely is to be an example and not just tell them what to do, but to be doing it, too! Take a large part in your child's safety behind the wheel!